What is it about fitness that lures me yet repels me at the same time?
Fitness is sexy. Fitness is fun. Fitness is not bound by age. It’s fueled by passion and requires minimal financial cost. Yet so many benefits.
It’s often hard to achieve yet so easy to lose. We all have a unique relationship with fitness. Our relationship with fitness is omnipresent whether we acknowledge it or not.
I guess it goes back to understanding how to commit to “it”. Yep, you must invest the same amount of time that you invest in any relationship.
Relationships require communication, time, love, passion, creativity, and a fundamental understanding that I am committed – to fitness.
What defines a commitment to fitness? My journey has taught me that there are 4 “pillars” to fitness:
Rest 6 to 8 hours per night
Stretching 1 time per day
Eat-Hydrate 4 to 6 times per day
Exercise 4 to 5 times per week
Which one is most important? I would say eating – hydrating is most important.
If you don’t eat-hydrate well, you may exercise every day and barely see the fruits of your labor. If you eat- hydrate well, your skin will radiate, and your body will change. How much your physique changes will depend on your starting point and your level of effort.
- What is your relationship with fitness like?