Risk vs Fear

Why is fear sometimes stronger than risk when the rewards of risk can be great? One could say its wisdom guiding you. One could say it’s fear of failure holding you back. It just depends on the situation.

So, let’s focus on the health-fitness connection. Fitness supports overall good health. That is not to say that a fit person will not get sick. Anyone can fall ill at any time.

Fitness supports your body’s daily performance, and it reduces the toll that time can take on the body. The point that I hope to convey is that we all need to take a risk on fitness. You can never lose. It’s a win-win!

If you feel like you are losing your fitness aspirations, you may need to re-evaluate your approach to fitness. For example, if you go to the gym every day, walk on the treadmill for an hour, and notice minimal physique changes, you may need to change your approach. The treadmill is a good cardio exercise. Cardio exercises improve lung functioning, heart functioning, and overall vascular wellness. If you desire to increase body muscular strength, you should consult your doctor.

If you are not sure what fitness entails, please research. When I researched improving muscular strength, I looked at the daily regiments of body builders. Now, I don’t aspire to be a bodybuilder; however, I gained a whole lot of insight on what it takes to transform the body.

My research also led me to supplements. I do take a daily vitamin and biotin; however, I am not investing in other supplements. My focus is on eating well, sleeping 7-8 hours a night, stretching daily, and working out my upper twice a week and lower body three times a week.

If you allow yourself, you may fall in love with working out.

And if you do, it will be a life changing event that you will not regret

Blog Picture Link: https://akamissmali.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/riskisreality.jpg

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