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My Fitness Evolution

As I was eating breakfast, I reminisced to the beginning of COVID. When I worked from home, I reduced the amount of food that I consumed. Given daily normal activities changed, I knew I needed to eat a little less. While that made sense at the time, by January 2021, I was weak and small.

I reached out to a gym trainer, and he offered to train me online in the mornings. All I had was a mat, chair, dumbbells, and bands. These morning workouts were perfect. Given how weak I was, the workouts were challenging and ideal for basic foundational strengthening.

After working out for a few months, I knew something was missing but didn’t understand what I needed to change. I added additional outdoor workouts, but that wasn’t what I was missing. What I needed was to return to the gym; however, given COVID, I wasn’t ready.

My interest in working out faded from August – October. I did a little here and there; however, over the holiday, I reflected and realized that I needed to return to the gym and was ready to return to the gym. For whatever reason, the gym motivates me.  

Now, I must share an important concern for me. I have always wanted to tone my arms and reduce the “stuff” in my thighs with muscular definition. Well, reducing the cellulite in ,my thighs wasn’t happening with my current workout regimen. Once again, I was still yearning for more.

Well, due to my daughter, my interest in TikTok increased. Why…is a long story. I started watching TikTok workout videos. A man posted something that resonated with me. He shared that you must lift meaningfully for physique changes. So, I reflected and changed my workout to what I thought he meant.

One day, I observed a man focused on his form. I asked him what he was doing. He really helped me connect the dots. I realized that I was stronger than I thought and switched to the workout regimen he used and increased my protein intake.

Now, I can see results everywhere – with some results in my thighs. Time will tell…


  • Are workouts part of your daily activities?

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