My Blog My WordPress Blog Sun, 09 Apr 2023 15:31:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Fitness Evolution Sat, 19 Mar 2022 15:51:54 +0000 My Fitness Evolution Read More »

As I was eating breakfast, I reminisced to the beginning of COVID. When I worked from home, I reduced the amount of food that I consumed. Given daily normal activities changed, I knew I needed to eat a little less. While that made sense at the time, by January 2021, I was weak and small.

I reached out to a gym trainer, and he offered to train me online in the mornings. All I had was a mat, chair, dumbbells, and bands. These morning workouts were perfect. Given how weak I was, the workouts were challenging and ideal for basic foundational strengthening.

After working out for a few months, I knew something was missing but didn’t understand what I needed to change. I added additional outdoor workouts, but that wasn’t what I was missing. What I needed was to return to the gym; however, given COVID, I wasn’t ready.

My interest in working out faded from August – October. I did a little here and there; however, over the holiday, I reflected and realized that I needed to return to the gym and was ready to return to the gym. For whatever reason, the gym motivates me.  

Now, I must share an important concern for me. I have always wanted to tone my arms and reduce the “stuff” in my thighs with muscular definition. Well, reducing the cellulite in ,my thighs wasn’t happening with my current workout regimen. Once again, I was still yearning for more.

Well, due to my daughter, my interest in TikTok increased. Why…is a long story. I started watching TikTok workout videos. A man posted something that resonated with me. He shared that you must lift meaningfully for physique changes. So, I reflected and changed my workout to what I thought he meant.

One day, I observed a man focused on his form. I asked him what he was doing. He really helped me connect the dots. I realized that I was stronger than I thought and switched to the workout regimen he used and increased my protein intake.

Now, I can see results everywhere – with some results in my thighs. Time will tell…


  • Are workouts part of your daily activities?
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Risk vs Fear Sun, 13 Mar 2022 18:45:49 +0000 Risk vs Fear Read More »

Why is fear sometimes stronger than risk when the rewards of risk can be great? One could say its wisdom guiding you. One could say it’s fear of failure holding you back. It just depends on the situation.

So, let’s focus on the health-fitness connection. Fitness supports overall good health. That is not to say that a fit person will not get sick. Anyone can fall ill at any time.

Fitness supports your body’s daily performance, and it reduces the toll that time can take on the body. The point that I hope to convey is that we all need to take a risk on fitness. You can never lose. It’s a win-win!

If you feel like you are losing your fitness aspirations, you may need to re-evaluate your approach to fitness. For example, if you go to the gym every day, walk on the treadmill for an hour, and notice minimal physique changes, you may need to change your approach. The treadmill is a good cardio exercise. Cardio exercises improve lung functioning, heart functioning, and overall vascular wellness. If you desire to increase body muscular strength, you should consult your doctor.

If you are not sure what fitness entails, please research. When I researched improving muscular strength, I looked at the daily regiments of body builders. Now, I don’t aspire to be a bodybuilder; however, I gained a whole lot of insight on what it takes to transform the body.

My research also led me to supplements. I do take a daily vitamin and biotin; however, I am not investing in other supplements. My focus is on eating well, sleeping 7-8 hours a night, stretching daily, and working out my upper twice a week and lower body three times a week.

If you allow yourself, you may fall in love with working out.

And if you do, it will be a life changing event that you will not regret

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Men vs Women Wed, 09 Mar 2022 17:52:30 +0000 Men vs Women Read More »

Why do men approach fitness differently than women?

All I can share is what I see, and maybe my sight is limited due to my environment? Well, indulge me for a minute.

When I go to the gym, I see men of all ages lifting weights. Trending is men 60+ years old in the gym with personal trainers. Their goal is to increase strength. I think that flexibility also needs to be a goal. As I observe, they struggle to bend at the knees. This range of motion can be improved. Nonetheless, it’s impressive.

When I go to the gym, I see mostly women exercising on the cardio machines, participating in gym’s free workout classes, or working out in group body or ab workout session. These workouts are great places to start your fitness journey; however, don’t get complacent and remain there.

Strengthening your body’s muscles is a need not an option. Once you discuss with your doctor, create a plan to strengthen your body. Remember, you cannot target body change. If you want a bigger glute, don’t solely do glute exercises. The goal is to improve your overall body’s fitness level, and along the way, you can target the areas that mean the most to you.

I work out my upper and lower body every week, and when I can, I put extra emphasis on the “non-muscular stuff” in my thighs. It pains me to use the word cellulite.

If you want to strengthen your body’s muscles, consult your doctor, and research the best way to achieve your goal. If you opt to work with a personal trainer, give all you can in each workout. It’s your responsibility to maximize each session with your trainer. Regardless, of your work ethic, your trainer gets paid. So, get your hustle on!


  •  Take time to observe some people in your gym, what do you notice?
  • What can you learn from others?
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Power of Fear vs Reward of Risks Wed, 09 Mar 2022 17:00:32 +0000 Power of Fear vs Reward of Risks Read More »

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Power of Fear vs Rewards of Risk

Why is fear generally stronger than risk? When the rewards of risk can be great? One could say it’s wisdom guiding you. One could say it’s fear of failure holding you back. It does depend on the situation.

So, let’s focus on the health-fitness connection. Fitness supports overall good health. That is not to say that a fit person will not get sick. Anyone can fall ill at any time.

Fitness just helps your body perform each day, and it reduces the toll that time can take on the body. The point that I hope to convey is that we all need to take a risk on fitness. You can never lose. It’s a win-win!

If you feel like you are losing your fitness aspirations, you may need to re-evaluate your approach to fitness. For example, if you go to the gym every day to increase your fitness level, and you only walk on the treadmill for an hour and notice minimal physique changes, you may need to change your approach. The treadmill is a good cardio exercise. It improves lung, heart function, and overall vascular strength. If you desire to increase body muscular strength, you may need to consult your doctor for an approved weightlifting regiment.

If you are not sure where to begin, I suggest you research. I looked at the daily regime of some bodybuilders. I don’t desire to be a bodybuilder; however, I gained a whole lot of insight on what it takes to transform the body to a desired level. Also, I am not looking to invest in a bunch of money on supplements. I am focusing on eating well, sleeping 7-8 hours a night, stretching daily, and working my upper and lower body 5 times a week

Please do your research. Talk to your doctor. If you allow yourself, you may fall in love with working out, and it will be a life changing event that you will not regret!


  • Are you looking for a new direction in life?
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Body Maintenance is Equivalent to Car Maintenance Sun, 06 Mar 2022 14:57:59 +0000 Body Maintenance is Equivalent to Car Maintenance Read More »

I hope this analogy resonates with you.

Just as a car needs maintenance so does the human body. You cannot drive a car forever and not expect it to quit on you. You cannot rip and run every day and expect the body to remain healthy and fit.

I have a dear friend who plays tennis. She’s a spectacular tennis player, who is dedicated to the sport. We are both experiencing muscle atrophy. Our bodies are deteriorating due to our lack of strength maintenance.

It’s what one may call “a self-inflicted wound”. We both understand what’s going on, but for some reason, we prefer to remain in a state of denial.

For me, I resisted getting in shape because the hill was too steep to climb. When every aspect of your body needs attention that’s not a simple task. It takes the time and dedication. It means you must place caring for yourself as a priority.

For many, finding time for yourself is challenging and maybe not desirable? Depending on how long you have neglected your body, you may feel like the journey is too much to bear. It’s like opening the door to a messy car. Where do you start? First, I would clear the trash off the floors.

When you make the mental decision to commit, the body will follow. Remember, the body cannot achieve what the mind does not believe.


  • How does your body feel?
  • Is it time for maintenance?

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opel, olympia, cabriolet-2929903.jpg

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Lifting Form and Cardio Exercises​ Fri, 04 Mar 2022 18:00:34 +0000 Lifting Form and Cardio Exercises​ Read More »

Before I begin, please know that I am intern to sport of weightlifting. Every day I research the correct form, the benefit of the exercise, the most common mistakes, and the versatility in the diverse approaches. With this shared, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of research. Two crucial opportunity areas to research are lifting form and cardio exercises.

A few weeks ago, I enjoyed a conversation with another individual in the gym. The conversation enlightened my cardio curiosity and stressed the need for lifting with the correct form. After this conversation, I began trying different cardio machines. The most popular cardio machine is the treadmill. I am a fan of the stair master, elliptical and rowing machine. I like the stair master because it well exercises my lungs, legs, and glute. The elliptical exercise machine works my lungs and legs – a some glute. For me, the ultimate cardio workout comes from the row machine. The row machine is a total body workout. To reap the full benefit of the row machine, I need to row in the correct form. I know a few people who feel that biking is the ultimate total body workout.

When it comes time to lifting, I am so mindful of proper form. Before lifting sets, I watch weightlifting videos. I record my workouts, review my workouts, and evaluate my own lifting form. That’s how I evaluate if I am lifting correctly and how I am growing in understanding.

Please know that I do reach out to my doctor to make sure that the workout plan I am doing is good for me. You should also reach out to your doctor to discuss your fitness plan before you begin and while you progress.


  • Which cardio exercise is the ultimate exercise for you?
  • Do you prepare for a workout by watching diverse videos to help you learn or give you ideas?
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The Lure of Fitness Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:00:35 +0000 The Lure of Fitness Read More »

What is it about fitness that lures me yet repels me at the same time?

Fitness is sexy. Fitness is fun. Fitness is not bound by age. It’s fueled by passion and requires minimal financial cost. Yet so many benefits.

It’s often hard to achieve yet so easy to lose. We all have a unique relationship with fitness. Our relationship with fitness is omnipresent whether we acknowledge it or not.

I guess it goes back to understanding how to commit to “it”. Yep, you must invest the same amount of time that you invest in any relationship.

Relationships require communication, time, love, passion, creativity, and a fundamental understanding that I am committed – to fitness.

What defines a commitment to fitness? My journey has taught me that there are 4 “pillars” to fitness:

Rest                     6 to 8 hours per night

Stretching           1 time per day

Eat-Hydrate        4 to 6 times per day

Exercise               4 to 5 times per week

Which one is most important? I would say eating – hydrating is most important.

If you don’t eat-hydrate well, you may exercise every day and barely see the fruits of your labor. If you eat- hydrate well, your skin will radiate, and your body will change. How much your physique changes will depend on your starting point and your level of effort.


  • What is your relationship with fitness like?
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If only I understood years ago… Tue, 01 Mar 2022 13:00:24 +0000 If only I understood years ago… Read More »

If I knew years ago, what I know now, I would have taken time to care for myself.

We all know that we should eat better. Rest more. Exercise regularly. Stretch daily. But do we truly understand ‘why’.

In 1983, a dear friend suggested that I lose weight. I was insulted. My feelings were hurt, but I didn’t show it. I just smiled in acknowledgement. I could not grasp that he was correct.

In 1988, another friend told me that I needed to know when to “push back from the table”. He also shared that “I have never seen anyone eat the volume of food that you eat”.

In 2008, a doctor told me that I was experiencing atrophy. She sent me to physical therapy where I completed several muscle strengthening sessions. I continued the physical therapy exercises until I felt better, and then I stopped. I should not have quit. I should have maintained, continued, and strengthened my strength level.

It’s 2022. I regret my lack of knowledge in my earlier years. Now, I do recognize the importance of body strength, weight management, and muscle atrophy.

If only I could turn back the hands of time…


  • Do you understand your body’s strength?
  • Do you understand your body’s opportunity areas?
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Buy in bulk. Don’t cook in bulk. Cook what you need. Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:00:14 +0000 Buy in bulk. Don’t cook in bulk. Cook what you need. Read More »

Whatever I didn’t eat for dinner was leftovers. 

Well, for me, leftovers can be an opportunity for unwanted munchies. See, I struggled to understand the meaning of eating and the purpose of nutrients.

Depending on the moment and unbeknownst to me, eating is a pastime activity.

If I’m too busy to recognize that I’m eating just-to-eat, I would consume more food than necessary.

To combat this weakness, I started buying some foods in bulk for the financial savings and to create individual portions. For example, when I buy a package of ground beef for hamburgers, I season the ground beef, create hamburgers, place them in individual sandwich baggies, and place the baggies in the freezer. I do the same thing with chicken. I buy in bulk, clean the chicken, season the chicken, create individual servings per baggie, and place the baggies in the freezer.

When I cook, I only cook the individual portion in the baggie. This approach helps me to manage the amount of food that I eat per meal.


  • How do you manage your food consumption?
Why is the temptation to cheat so appealing? Tue, 01 Mar 2022 11:00:23 +0000 Why is the temptation to cheat so appealing? Read More »

Halfway through my arms – shoulders workout, I was ready to throw the towel in!

My arms were limp. My shoulders were burning. But the thought of leaving and not finishing was appealing yet too disappointing.

I couldn’t help but wonder why I was so intent on stopping. As I continued my workout, the thought of leaving was more real.

What changed my mind – my thighs! I looked down at my thighs and remembered why I needed this journey and the importance of ending each workout with a 10-minute intense cardio exercise. 

I need to tattoo this to my forehead: “In order to change the structure of my body, I need strength training and cardio workouts.” My original goals were to strengthen my Olive Oyl arms, build a strong core, and figure out how to reduce the ‘non-muscular stuff’ in my thighs while strengthening my muscles.

Currently, I am on a nine week workout schedule. My personal development is dependent on 4 pillars: rest, food, exercise and stretching.

It has been immensely helpful to video and view my workouts. I have grown exponentially from watching my workouts, researching the proper lifting form, and resisting the temptation to cheat.


  • How do you stay motivated?
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